Longford Handy Helps

Longford Handy Helps is a collection designed to people a more independent life in their own home. Filled with gadgets and other helpful aids, items are now available to borrow from Ballymahon, Edgeworthstown, Granard and Longford libraries.

The collection is grouped into three different bag packs:

  • The bag of culinary aids includes items such as a jar opener, tap turner, lightweight cutlery set
  • The mobility bag includes a sock or stocking aid, shoehorn and button hook or zip puller
  • The third bag includes some general and social items such as an object locator or key finder, an adhesive pull plug and a playing card holder.

The bags are a 'try before you buy' taster opportunity for users. Bags also include contact details of local and national suppliers, so if people choose, they can then buy items directly themselves after the loan period expires and the items are returned to the library.

The collection has been chosen by the staff of Longford Libraries Age Friendly Team in partnership with senior occupational therapists working in the community.

This is a pilot initiative of Longford Libraries and Age Friendly Longford. It is in consultation with the HSE Longford Primary Care Programme. The collection was launched at the recent Longford Age Friendly Information Day in October. 

Expanded to include new items

Longford Libraries Handy Helps Collection has recently been expanded to include two new items: the Acorn Smart Tablet and the Activator Pole.

The Acorn tablet is Ireland’s first Age-Friendly smart tablet, designed with the older person in mind. It is easy to use, easy to navigate and uncluttered making it suitable for even the most inexperienced user. It can be used as a communications tool, a digital learning tool, social tool and for wellness and health. A number of Acorn Tablets are now available for loan to library members in all our libraries.

The Activator Pole promotes all the components of functional mobility and fitness. Following a successful Activator Programme organised by Longford Physical Activation Officer and Longford Sports Partnership in our libraries, a number of activator poles are now available for short-term loan through Longford Libraries as part of our Age Friendly Handy Helps Collection.

How to borrow items from our Handy Helps Collection

Anyone who is an adult member of Longford Library Service may access the collection and for anyone interested in joining, library membership is available free of charge.

Staff in any library will help users with registration and then members can borrow a bag from the Handy Helps collection using their library card for up to 12 weeks. Certain items may also be requested online, by using the library card and PIN number on the website Longford.Spydus.ie.

Terms and conditions

We’d like you to enjoy using the items, but we need you to agree to the following as a way to protect you:

  • You are required to be a member of Longford Library Service. Membership is FREE!
  • You can borrow the equipment or device for an agreed loan period between you the user and Longford Libraries.
  • The bag, equipment or device remains the property of Longford Libraries.
  • Library staff can assist users with borrowing but cannot make recommendations on equipment.
  • If the equipment or device is faulty or damaged, please let the Library staff know immediately and return it to the library as soon as possible.
  • You need to know that by borrowing this equipment you are responsible for any injury caused through its use and for any loss of or damage to this item.  For electronic equipment and devices, you are responsible for removing all personal data and applications from the device before returning it to Longford Libraries.
  • Longford Libraries cannot accept responsibility for damage, loss, injury, or costs either directly or indirectly from the use of the library’s equipment