


Shrule B. S.
Sruthaill, anciently Sruthair, a stream.

Shrule J. 0'D.
Srowher Inq. temp. Jac. I.
Srowell do.
Shrewre Down Survey

Situated on the S.E. of the parish. Bounded by Glebe the N.W. and N.; by Glebe in this parish and Garrynagh in Noughaval Ph. on the E.; and by Barnacor and Drumnacor the S. and S.W.
Contains 55a. 2r. 32p., all under cultivation. There is a corn mill here, and the houses and roads are in good repair. It is the property of Councillor Henderson, held by a deed for ever. Co. Cess - �3 10s. 4�d.